
Original Webrozum

Our own multifunctional web platform

The Web Platform “Original Webrozum”

The best solution for brand protection, automation of quality control and operational accounting based on the multifunctional web platform Original Webrozum is an individual web passport on each product package.

Our company offers you comprehensive solutions for automation of control processes and operational accounting for manufacturing enterprises using the most modern and popular tool — a web platform Original.Webrozum.

The introduction of automation will allow you to get the highest level of protection — the serial number of each unit of production, boxes, pallets — with an individual electronic passport (a web passport).

The web passport of a product makes it possible to track the “path” of products from production to purchase, makes it possible to automatically detect fakes when scanning a QR code by a consumer with an ordinary smartphone.

For the manufacturer, automation will significantly optimize the control and accounting of products, and for wholesalers and retailers — to increase protection and trust in the brand of products and the enterprise, and most importantly — to increase sales and profits.

An individual web passport for products is a new solution for accounting and control, a new positioning of the manufacturer as a modern, dynamically developing enterprise.

To implement the tasks set, the best tool for today is the multifunctional web platform Original.Webrozum, which solves the issues of optimization of production, logistics processes, accounting and management, marketing and sales, presenting obvious benefits both for the Head of the enterprise and for key persons who directly affect the production and sales of products.

Manufacturers’ problems

Counterfeiting of brands and product packaging is one of the most serious problems for manufacturers' brands, which damages the image of both the product and the manufacturer's brand.

In the process of working with our clients, it was possible to identify such problems in the industries of product manufacturers:

  • Counterfeiting of products and packaging — visually the difference is imperceptible, this is like an example of a fake “adidas” and “abibac”, the products of fakes do not differ in appearance and are sold as if under their own brand, repeating and copying the promoted famous brand;

In this case, the consumer still pays attention to the brand and the majority understands that it is a fake, so usually these products are cheaper.

  • Counterfeit is copying 1:1 of your brand on the product, on the packaging with your output data. This is in fact, the theft and the consumer, and buying counterfeit products, people are sure that they are buying a brand.

In addition to damaging the brand (the products themselves may be of lower quality), the image of the manufacturer suffers, a significant part of the market is lost, and the manufacturer does not make a profit of up to 50% in some industries.

The structure of the web platform Original Webrozum

The structure of automation of quality control and operational accounting processes based on the multifunctional web platform Original Webrozum

Production and logistics

  • Generation of electronic registers of shipments of goods;
  • Marking products with QR codes.
    Individual web passports are created by means of marking with QR codes of individual and group packaging (boxes, pallets);
  • QR-code scanners, matching controllers. Quality control and shipment, quality certification.
    Before shipment, the quality control department scans the finished products and guarantees certified quality products.

Obvious benefits

  • Introduction of automation in production — a systematic approach from the manufacturer to the quality certification of each unit of production with an individual web passport (you can get it by a QR code);
  • The system of personnel responsibility at each stage, minimizing the involvement of errors of the “human factor”;
  • Increase in employee productivity — acceleration of production processes.

Accounting and management

A central database. User accounts

  • Creating and connecting an AWP (automated workplace);
  • Operational control, tracing of the entire “path” of products from shipment to point of sale;
  • Accounting and reporting on batches of goods;
  • The ability to connect other software;
  • Ability to control processes at each stage.
A store + a smartphone. Point of sale
  • Accreditation and control of the point of sale;
  • Control from anywhere in the world;
  • Reports on retail outlets;
  • Sales reports by type of goods, by region, seasonality, etc.

Production and sales planning

  • Generation of reports on the specified parameters;
  • Optimal production planning taking into account all factors and sales reports;
  • Making operational and strategic decisions based on the information received.

Marketing and sales

A web passport of a product with an individual QR code is an excellent informational occasion for brand promotion.

For example, the slogan/new positioning: “Now a web passport is on every package!”. This is unique information for buyers and detuning from competitors. It is implemented on all communication channels (website, social networks, messengers).

Obvious benefits

The inevitable increase in the status and modernity of your company, which indicates that the company is “keeping up with the times”, is constantly developing and guarantees the quality of products at every stage of its production.

What's next? Increasing brand loyalty means attracting new partners and customers, repeat purchases, and, as a result, increasing sales and profits of your business.

To establish direct contact with customers and increase motivation to purchase products, it is possible to hold an action with a raffle of valuable prizes.

“Scan the QR code and win an iPhone!”. Additional prizes can be the products themselves, branded cups, etc.

The obvious purpose of the promotion for buyers:

  • Stimulate sales;
  • Collect a database of contacts for further distribution to channels or groups of messengers Telegram, Viber;
  • To carry out additional sales of products through Telegram and Viber channels or groups.

The main purpose of the Action: to identify and collect information about fakes or counterfeits by type of goods, by region, by quantity, etc. The information received about the results of scanning is only for the security service of the enterprise.

Analytics. Sales reports

Pressing one button in the Original Webrozum program will allow:

  • Authorize and carry out the accreditation of retail outlets;
  • Get statistics on retail outlets — you can see locations of distribution and sales of specific batches and even units of products;
  • Monitor distribution and sales channels from your smartphone — even from anywhere in the country and the world;
  • Accredited partners do not have the opportunity to bypass the platforms;
  • Integration is possible, if necessary, with existing software;
  • The ability to connect a mobile application.

The use of the most advanced multifunctional platform Original Webrozum for today and the introduction of web passports with QR codes at the enterprise will allow you to break out among your competitors and in the near future solve the complex issues of optimizing the technical part and properly organize marketing events.

During the development and implementation of new technical solutions, existing production processes do not stop!

The expected results of the introduction of web passports with QR codes are brand protection and explosive sales growth, reaching a new level and confident expansion of your business!

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